MELROSE, MA - A biology teacher from Melrose is being investigated by school officials after a Veteran’s Day post on social media in which the teacher, Gevorg Keoyesan, made a politically charged post on Instagram wishing PTSD on veterans who voted for President-elect Donald Trump.
“Happy Veterans Day to any Vet who didn’t vote for Trump. Otherwise, I hope your Veterans Day is filled with tears and PTSD.”
Independent journalist Aidan Kearney, or “Turtleboy,” brought Keoyesan’s hate-filled post to the forefront.
Keoyesan is your typical leftist, virtue-signaling dimwit, posting a picture of himself on Instagram wearing a “Fuck Trump” shirt while posing in front of the LGBTQ flag, which he proudly posts in his classroom. You know, the type of jackwad who parents want indoctrinating, er, “teaching” their child.
Poor Gevorg (is that even a name?) apparently didn’t handle Trump pole-axing Kamala Harris in the election very well, a point made by Kearney.
As Kearney noted, it is estimated some 15% of veterans suffer from PTSD. That is real PTSD, not the kind that infects leftist nimrods like Keoyesan, who find themselves seeking out safe spaces, therapy animals, and fidget spinners to help with their “trauma.”
The fact that Keoyesan sought to use Veteran’s Day, a day when we honor the service and sacrifice of our men and women who put their lives on the line to defend our country, to express his contempt for veterans who didn’t vote the way he prefers is contemptible. As Kearney wrote, likely, at least some of the students he has in his classes have parents or other relatives who are veterans who may well suffer from some form of PTSD.
Being the good Marxist he is, Keoyesan didn’t just express his contempt for veterans who voted for Trump. He made it clear that he also hates anyone who voted for freedom and liberty and against the tyranny of the left.
“I clearly underestimated how many closeted racist, homophobic, immoral bigots are in this shithole of a country. They’d rather vote for a convicted felon, openly racist rapist, with no respect for women, than for a woman. I have no more respect for the uneducated plebs [sic] waving their Trump flags on the side of the road than for the millions who voted for him but would never sack up and admit it.”
It’s good that this guy teaches biology because he is clearly illiterate.
The rant continued:
“My timeline was flooded with pro-Kamala voters, and one person openly supporting Trump. So either I’ve done a good job of weeding out filth from my friends and followers list, or you’re all fucking cowards. On behalf of my daughter, my LGBT students and peers, and anyone else whose rights you’ve sacrificed, fuck you.”
Actually, it is much more likely that anyone smart enough to vote for Trump and against Harris wouldn’t want to associate with a hateful loser like Keoyesan.
And some claim that police officers need a psychological exam before employment. They’ve never met Keoyesan. This guy seems a few fries short of a Happy Meal.
But he wasn’t done:
“Filtered through and deleted a bunch of Trump supporters that I followed. There are still 35 followers of mine that follow the dipshit orange rapist cuntbag on Instagram. Some of which I’ll delete, some I once had respect for so I’ll reach out and see if they follow him in support or just for LOLz.”
Let’s break down the demographics and educate the teacher on who voted for President-elect Trump:
Blacks- 16%, 25% for black men, up 13% from 2020
Latino- 43%, 48% for Latino men, up 10% from 2020
Other races- 41%, up 2% from 2020
Women- 48% of women 45+; 44% of women 18-44
Pretty good for a “racist misogynist.”
Keoyesan is also an anti-Catholic bigot, posting a meme in which a student asks a nun why confession is necessary if God knows what everyone is thinking.
“Good question, Billy. You see confession reinforces our sense of guilt and shame, which is integral to the Catholic faith. Plus all the priests really get off on it.”
As Turtleboy points out, over half of Melrose’s population identify as Catholic. Keoyesan’s unhinged rant also sends a wrong message to his students, particularly those whose parents voted for President-elect Trump. Someone as unhinged and unstable as Keoyesan could be expected to punish students whose parents voted the wrong way. He shouldn’t be teaching a tumbling class, let alone high school biology.
FOX-25 in Boston reported that the district is investigating Keoyesan’s conduct, although, like good leftist water-carrying media outlets, they declined to identify him by name. Fortunately, Turtleboy Aidan Kearney had no such reservations, and we are happy to out this bigot.
One school parent told the outlet he was concerned about the statements attributed to Keoyesan.
“Why would you say that to anyone?” parent Erik Bush said. “I have plenty of people I disagree with, plenty of people I disagree with. I would never say anything like that.” He said his daughter, a freshman at Melrose High School, told him about the post. He said Keoyesan is a freshman class advisor and is in charge of student government.
“You can have your thoughts on anything. That’s your choice, but to have your feelings and really go after someone that was targeted,” said Bush. “It’s very much over the line.”
FOX-25 contacted the superintendent of Melrose Schools, Adam Deleidi, who issued a (very) brief statement about the incident.
“At this time, we have no comment as this relates to a staff investigation.”
FOX-25 attempted to interview Keoyesan, however, being the coward that he is, he refused through a neighbor to talk.
Meanwhile, the outlet also contacted the mayor’s office and the Veteran’s Affairs office in town, but they also refused to comment.
The outlet also reported that Keoyesan’s post was addressed at the Melrose Veteran’s Advisory board meeting last week, where FOX-25 noted that the topic of PTSD is likely a source of concern for many members.
“The fact that you’re going to poke hate at them and want them to suffer because of who you voted for,” Bush continued, “I imagine he’s sorry, and I hope he is. Any decent person really would be.”
He may be sorry, but that’s only because he was caught. We’ll repeat that this guy is clearly an unhinged radical and doesn’t belong anywhere near a classroom.
2024-11-23T11:09-0500 | Comment by: TINA
2024-11-23T17:51-0500 | Comment by: Michelle
The very fact thst he is allowed freedom of speech afforded to him by the actions of our military and veterans is lost on an ignorant dolt like him. And he called out country a shithole, he’s free to leave. Although we know from experience the people who hate our country will never leave. He shouldn’t be involved with children in any capacity. And the only thing he’s sorry about is getting caught.
2024-11-23T19:09-0500 | Comment by: CHARLES
What a POS libtard. Shouldn't even be allowed to be near children. Maybe he will leave the country along with those celebrities who have promised to do so
2024-11-23T21:47-0500 | Comment by: Paul
Soon to be waiting tables at a cockroach infested dive in ma.
2024-11-23T21:50-0500 | Comment by: Susan
To me, this loser is a total low life POS and needs to be fired immediately. I have a son that suffers from PTSD. I wish someone would tie him to the back of a truck and drag him over rocks. He doesn't deserve to live in our amazing USA that Trump is giving us back. He belongs to Harris and Biden, he has their mentality and is as low as they are. He needs to be kicked out on his ass. If I had a kid in one of his classes I would yank them out of that low life school!!!!
2024-11-23T23:12-0500 | Comment by: Paul
What is it they say about democrats? If they accuse you of being something- it usually means they're guilty of it.
2024-11-23T23:49-0500 | Comment by: Carlton
Psycho . Trump Derangement Syndrome.
2024-11-24T08:27-0500 | Comment by: Brian
Typical of the little bois who live their sad quiet lives of desperation railing against their perceived injustice an blithering about being opposed to violence living their lives protected by MEN who aren’t
2024-11-24T13:12-0500 | Comment by: Daniel
Maybe that dumb teacher should say that to same veterens face to face. But you know that will never happen.
2024-11-24T13:12-0500 | Comment by: Daniel
Maybe that dumb teacher should say that to same veterens face to face. But you know that will never happen.
2024-11-24T13:13-0500 | Comment by: Daniel
Maybe that teacher should say that to same veterens face to face. But you know that will never happen.
2024-11-24T13:13-0500 | Comment by: Daniel
Maybe that teacher should say that to same veterens face to face. But you know that will never happen.
2024-11-24T17:26-0500 | Comment by: Raymond
I can only hope that he and everyone in his family, with the same attitude, suffer a long, slow, painful death.
2024-11-24T17:27-0500 | Comment by: Raymond
I can only hope that he and everyone in his family, with the same attitude, suffer a long, slow, painful death.
2024-11-24T19:12-0500 | Comment by: Dennis
I voted for Trump every time.
2024-11-24T23:37-0500 | Comment by: Todd
This trash should never be allowed in our school systems ! THANK YOU VETERANS !