Retired police chief: Republicans need to grow a set and turn Democrat tactics around on them

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For fans of the original Star Wars, let’s compare the original three episodes to current events. 

In Star Wars, we had the rebellion (MAGA Republicans) led by Luke Skywalker (Donald Trump) trying to overcome the tyranny of the Evil Empire (Washington, DC swamp). While the rebellion overcame the empire and destroyed the Death Star (Hillary Clinton, leftist Democrats), it wasn’t long before the counteroffensive came. 

The Empire Struck Back by engaging in a seven-year war against Luke Skywalker (Trump). It was able to cobble together two bogus impeachments and a string of criminal indictments, led by the Emperor (Joe Biden) whose stormtroopers (the FBI, CIA, radical DAs & Special Counsels) did their best to take out Skywalker. 

As with Star Wars, it is time for the Return of the Jedi (Trump), aided by the rebellion, to fight back against the Empire and their Death Star (criminal indictments). In other words, it’s time to stop pussy footing around, and finally, some are starting to get it. 

Two weeks ago, four radical members of the Colorado Supreme Court made the unprecedented and likely unconstitutional decision to prohibit Luke (Trump) from appearing on the Republican presidential primary ballot in that state. That was hopefully the straw that broke the camel’s back. 

Many influential conservatives, including talk show hosts Dan Bongino and Mark Levin, have long said that it is time for Republicans to stop taking the high road and start engaging in the same type of tactics the Democrats have been using against Trump. 

Finally, some lawmakers may be getting the message. Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) has introduced a bill in Congress that would amend the Electoral Count Act of 1887 to prohibit states from blocking the official nominee of a major political party from the Presidential ballot.

If a state does, their entire electoral slate will not be counted by Congress when electors are certified the following January 6. 


Of course, a real leader, which Biden clearly is not, would have condemned the decision by the Colorado Supreme Court. Yet here he was again making the absurd claim that former President Trump “absolutely supported an insurrection.” 

Yes, Joe, the first insurrection in world history where the so-called “insurrectionists” were overwhelmingly unarmed. An “insurrection” of a couple of thousand people, mostly middle-aged and older, who we are supposed to believe were ready to overthrow what we’ve been told is the greatest military in the world.

An “insurrection” Trump is accused of supporting yet hasn’t been charged with. 

Anyone who is not a raging partisan liberal hack knows the ruling by the Colorado court has absolutely no basis in fact, nor is it constitutional. The amount of gymnastics undertaken to make the 14th Amendment fit this case was incredible. Constitutional law professors such as Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley are among those assailing the decision.

Dershowitz called the decision “so antidemocratic and so unconstitutional. It is absurd."

The court used Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment to make their claim to disqualify Trump from the ballot under the so-called “insurrection” clause.

However, that section does not address such claims against the president. The impeachment clause covers the president and vice president, as well as some other government officers, however, the Fourteenth Amendment does not cover insurrection claims against the president. 

While liberals continually throw around the term “election interference” where it concerns Trump, the Colorado Supreme Court just perpetrated Trump, the actual election interference, and liberals have zero problems with it. 

There are, of course, many tactics that Republicans can employ to play “dirty pool” as the Democrats have perfected, especially in recent history. They have already put one into play–the impeachment inquiry on oatmeal-for-brains Joe Biden. And they have plenty of ammunition. 

If you want to look at an insurrection, look no further than our southern border. Since Biden was sworn in on January 20, 2021, an estimated ten million or more illegal aliens have entered our country virtually unabated. 

When Biden put his hand on the Bible on that date, he swore to “...preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.” 

If we want to engage in constitutional gymnastics and claim the Fourteenth Amendment applies to Trump, Joe Biden himself should thereby be disqualified by virtue of giving “aid and comfort to the enemies thereof” [the United States] while having “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against same.” Not only should Biden be disqualified in Colorado, but under the above, he should be disqualified in all 50 states. 

How so? Biden, through his open border policies, has allowed a foreign invasion into our country. In fact, Biden advertised what he would do before being “elected” in 2020 during a Democratic presidential debate:

“I would, in fact, make sure that there is…we immediately…surge to the border all those people are seeking asylum. They deserve to be heard; that’s who we are where a nation says if you want to flee and you’re fleeing oppression, you should come…” 

“Surge to the border all those people [who] are seeking asylum.” Those are Biden's words...and now we're paying the price. 

It has been shown that among those estimated ten million illegal immigrants who entered our country illegally, a significant number come from countries that are avowed enemies of the United States, including China, Iran, Somalia, Syria, and many others. If that doesn’t fall under the definition of “giving aid and comfort” to enemies of the United States, nothing does.

Biden, of course, could put a significant damper on the alien invasion today if he chose to. This rotting bag of oatmeal (credit to Dan Bongino) is intentionally allowing this to happen for strictly political reasons, playing right into the Marxist Rules for Radicals playbook.

At this rate, by the time this lunatic ends his (hopefully only) term in January 2025, illegal aliens will make up a significant portion of the US population, which we may never recover from. 

Also, do not overlook moves across the country in liberal hellholes to allow illegals to vote in municipal elections. This is part of the “push, push…nudge, nudge” way Democrats go about things. Today, it’s municipal elections…tomorrow, state elections. The only thing stopping illegals from voting in federal elections is the United States Constitution, but Democrats have shown they don’t give a rat’s ass about that document. 

Do you want to do “insurrection?” While the border is an example of an insurrection, how about Biden and his administration refusing to prosecute or hold accountable those who have threatened Supreme Court justices, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who stood in front of the Supreme Court and threatened Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.

Months later, an assassin drove to Kavanaugh’s home, where he was planning to kill him and his family. Under the definition of insurrection, Schumer’s conduct seems to fit, as does that of any number of liberals who have threatened other government officials, including Trump. 

It is far past time for Republicans to stop trying to take the “high road.” It simply is not working. It’s time to get in the trenches and fight these bastards where they’re at. For example, New York Attorney General Letitia James has a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. She ran on basically one issue–getting Donald Trump. 

Local DA’s in New York City and Atlanta, Georgia, Alvin Bragg, and Fani Willis, respectively, both Democrats, have also targeted President Trump with bogus, BS indictments. A “special counsel,” Jack Smith, has also undertaken a witchhunt against Trump despite there being questions about the legality of appointing him to that post in the first place. 

Currently, in the United States, Republicans hold the Attorney General’s office in 27 out of 50 states. Is it beyond logic that among those 27 AGs, someone is willing to investigate Joe Biden for his foreign business dealings, financial shenanigans, and apparent financial support of his crackhead son Hunter’s sex trafficking escapades? Anyone? 

What of local district attorneys? Indeed, in the red states, there are DAs who can go through the trove of financial records involving Joe Biden that are worthy of examination. Frankly, it’s getting very old that Republicans don’t have the gonads to get into the mud and engage Democrats in their own game. 

A good start would be for others to follow the lead of Rep. Higgins and propose legislation to remove Biden from the ballot in red states. Thankfully, that is in progress in some states. For example, Newsweek reports that Republican lawmakers in several swing states have announced plans to remove Biden from their state ballots. 

Reps. Aaron Bernstine in Pennsylvania, Cory McGarr in Arizona, and Charlice Byrd in Georgia released a joint statement last week announcing plans to remove Dementia Joe from their ballots. 

In a joint press release, the three lawmakers said:

“Today, we are joining forces to introduce legislation to REMOVE Joe Biden from the ballot in Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania.

“The absurdity of radical Democrat judges removing Donald Trump from the ballot in Colorado will be a stain on the American political system for decades. By their own interpretation of the law, Joe Biden is 100% not eligible to run for political office,” the release said.

“Democrats’ insane justification to remove Trump can just as easily be applied to Joe Biden for his ‘insurrection’ at the southern border and his alleged corrupt family business dealings with China.”

In conclusion, the Republican lawmakers said: 

“Colorado radicals just changed the game, and we are not going to sit quietly while they destroy our Republic. To be clear, our objective is to showcase the absurdity of Colorado’s decision and allow ALL candidates to be on the ballot in all states. To do that, we must fight back as Republicans against the communists currently running our great country.” 

As the late great Rush Limbaugh used to say, “Mock absurdity by being absurd.” 

Now THAT is what we’re talking about.  

In an appearance with Fox News host Laura Ingraham, Texas, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick suggested Texas, with its large number of electoral votes, might also consider removing Biden from the ballot:

“Maybe we should take Joe Biden off the ballot in Texas for allowing 8m people to cross the border since he’s been president, disrupting our state far more than anything anyone else has done in recent history,” Patrick said. 

He later qualified his remarks, claiming Republicans wouldn’t stoop to that level because the GOP “believe[s] in democracy.” 

No, Mr. Patrick. It’s time to meet Democrats at their level. It’s time to (metaphorically) punch back. 

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