Are NGOs pushing illegal immigrants they help invade the U.S. to 'vote for Biden'? One organization denies it.

The mission statement of an organization called Resource Center Matamoros [RCM] reads, "Resource Center Matamoros is a humanitarian organization that provides a safe space where refugees at the southern Texas-Mexico border can access legal and social support services that support their right to the asylum process." 

Law Enforcement Today has reported several times on the number of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) helping to facilitate the invasion at the southern border. RCM is one such organization. Also, as a “nonprofit,” RCM doesn’t pay federal taxes. 

Law Enforcement Today recently became aware of a post on X by the Oversight Project, the legal and investigative arm of the conservative Heritage Foundation. That post revealed that RCM is distributing flyers in Mexico encouraging illegals to vote for Joe Biden once they are given free passage into the United States.

To be clear, illegals are NOT permitted to vote in the United States, yet they are being encouraged to do so. 

The flyer, shown below, reads in part:

Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States. We need another four years of his term to stay open. [emphasis added]

The flyer was discovered by @realmuckraker and was located throughout the RCM location in Mexico, including on porta-potties walls.

RCM founder Gaby Zavala also gave the impression when spoken to by @realmuckraker that the organization is trying to help as many illegals gain entry to the United States in the event former President Trump wins in November. 

After the claims of RCM providing the flyers (which contain the RCM logo on them) spread, Zavala denied the group's involvement in publishing and hanging them. She told the Associated Press that RCM “does not encourage immigrants to register to vote or cast ballots in the U.S.”

RCM is closely tied to the Biden administration swamp, as the Oversight Project discovered that Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas is a former board member of RCM.

RCM has also received a number of grants from Marxist billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundation. 

The group is tied to several Soros-funded nonprofits operating in the US, including Save the Children, Team Brownsville Texas, and Angry Tias and Abuelas. On RCM’s website, it boasts that it has worked “closely with representatives from the US and Mexican governments,” which should come as no surprise. 

Mayorkas, who has overseen the invasion at the border while testifying to Congress, under oath, that the “border is secure,” has, in fact, met with some of these organizations along with Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security Millona, according to documents obtained by @JudicialWatch 

The Oversight Project also reports that RCM, a sponsored project of the Asylum Seeker Network of Support (ASNS), continues to operate despite having its 501c3 registration forfeited in Texas in 2022. 

It is also reported that the flyer attempts to dupe illegals into believing they can legally vote, saying that you “do not need documentary proof of citizenship to vote” and need only “simply swear you are eligible.” This is, of course, one reason why far-left Democrats do not want a photo ID requirement…they wish to allow everyone to vote, no matter their legal status. 

It is incredible that anyone sworn in as a government official must take an oath to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Yet Biden, Mayorkas, and most members of the current rogue administration repeatedly and purposefully violate that oath. 

Finally, @WallStreetApes is reporting that massive facilities are being built in Mexico adjacent to the US border that will house several thousand illegals as they await their illegal entry into the United States. In addition, they report there are literally tens of thousands of people in the city of Reynoso renting rooms from people waiting to invade the United States. 

Can we afford four more years of Biden? Can we survive the seven months to the November election? 

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