Illegal immigrant from Mexico causes deadly wreck in South Carolina, faces deportation

LEXINGTON, SC - An Illegal immigrant from Mexico, Giovanni Mendoza-Jimenez, 20, is under arrest and is being held on a detainment order from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) after causing a fatal collision that cost the life of a motorcyclist crushed between his vehicle and a stopped school bus.

A student on the bus also suffered minor injuries. Mendoza-Jimenez is charged with driving too fast for conditions and failure to stop for a school bus.

According to a press release from the Lexington, South Carolina Police Department, on Tuesday, May 21st shortly after 7:00 a.m., police were dispatched to the scene of a three-vehicle collision between a work van, a motorcycle, and a school bus that had stopped to pick up students.

The motorcycle was stopped behind the school bus as the two vehicles were approached from behind by Mendoza-Jimenez, who was driving without a license. The police said that Mendoza-Jimenez did not see the stopped vehicles and collided with the motorcycle throwing it aside and then pinning the motorcyclist to the bus.

"The van driver did not appear to see the stopped vehicles and collided first with the motorcycle, sending the driver into the back of the bus and pushing the motorcycle a distance away from the scene. The van then collided with the back of the bus, pinning the motorcycle driver between the van and the bus," the release said.

  Reporting from WOLO-TV Wednesday revealed the identity of the motorcyclist as Jon Douglas Ratcliffe who, despite wearing a helmet according to Lexington County Coroner Margaret Fisher, died from his injuries at the scene.

Mendoza-Jimenez also sustained minor injuries and was transported to a local hospital by EMS subsequent to his arrest.

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Why deport him? Throw him in prison with the general population! Illegal immigrant, no license, and now a murderer. They will make him feel real welcome in prison!


My question, too. What good does it do to deport him? Unless Mexico puts him in prison the minute he gets back, he'll be back inside of a month in either Texas or Arizona with an alias. He wanted to be here. Let him spend the next 50- 60 years in a prison cell, then deport him.


UNDER BIDEN'S REIGN OF TERROR... he'll just walk right back in... this is called VEHICULAR HOMICIDE by an ILLEGAL FELON.




Trial, conviction, execution, THEN deportation of cremains.


Driving a work van with no license or SS card. The company should be sued and raided


From experience in L.A., not a lot of these illegals know how to drive, and fewer have even the slightest idea of traffic laws. Usually they try to split ASAP, wonder how this one was caught. Sure, deport him…he will be back in days, doing the same stupid s..t. But then again, we all know that.


I remember when democrats were screaming about families being separated at the border. I guess they don't think it's bad when illegals separate legal citizens families by death. Now this family is suffering a horrible loss and this is all on democrats for allowing these people to flood into this country. Vote out all of these disgusting democrats and get this country back on track by deporting all of the illegals.

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