China has long since been considered an adversarial country. Between their communist ideology that goes against everything we stand for, their human rights abuses, and their complete disregard for international intellectual property, there is a lot to dislike.
But they don’t want to keep their misconstrued ideology to themselves. They would like nothing more than to spread their message of Communism across their region and across the globe.
But they have one big problem – the United States of America.
But what does one do when they have a problem? Try to get rid of it.
And that is exactly what China has been doing - or at least trying to do. But they haven’t been completely unsuccessful.
According to Michael Letts, a political analyst, national LEO advocate and the CEO and founder of LEO nonprofit organization InVest USA (which provides free vests to LEOs), China has been using the cartels to pursue its mission of destroying America and taking over the world.
And cartels are more dangerous than most people think.
“This is a very organized business. People seem to think that cartels are kind of people that don’t know how to speak or can’t add one plus one, they’re extremely business [minded],” Letts said on a recent podcast appearance.
Another misconception is how big of a reach the cartels have.
“We have cartels in every state of the union, I want people to hear that very clearly. Some people only think, ‘Only in New York, Chicago, or LA, so I’m fine I don’t live there.’ No, they are in every state of the union,” he said.
And China is behind it all.
“You’ve got willing parties that want to destroy this country, China being one of them. So China says, ‘OK, let’s produce the chemicals for Fentanyl and let’s get with the drug cartels and say look we’ll get you the chemicals, you mix it up, you make the fentanyl, you take it across the border and we both benefit,” Letts said.
China’s goal? Kill Americans.
“From China’s perspective, it accomplishes one major issue, we [China] kill off enough young people with Fentanyl, we don’t have to worry about an army opposing me should we decide to go in and overthrow that government later on down the road because you don’t have anybody left,” he said.
He continued, “Who’s going to step up to the plate to be the next world law enforcement, this could be the next job. So they [China] benefit. It’s a great program for them, great for the cartels, they’re making tons of money.”
This circles back to why it is absolutely critical to secure the borders. We know China has world ambitions, and the Biden administration facilitated that by keeping the border open.
But that was then and this is now.
Now we have an administration hell-bent on securing the border and thankfully so. But that was just the first step. Our goal is to be the strongest world power she needs to be for the sake of Americans and our freedom.
Michael Letts is the author of Truth, Lies and Control: Finding Hope in an Upside-Down World. Preorder your copy on Amazon today!
To learn more about Michael Letts, go to and to learn more about his nonprofit organization InVestUSA, which provides free vests to first responders, visit
Read the full history of InVestUSA with Michael Letts by clicking HERE.
Writer Eddie Molina is a veteran and has over 25 years of combined LEO/military service. He owns and operates the LEO apparel and accessory company
But they don’t want to keep their misconstrued ideology to themselves. They would like nothing more than to spread their message of Communism across their region and across the globe.
But they have one big problem – the United States of America.
But what does one do when they have a problem? Try to get rid of it.
And that is exactly what China has been doing - or at least trying to do. But they haven’t been completely unsuccessful.
According to Michael Letts, a political analyst, national LEO advocate and the CEO and founder of LEO nonprofit organization InVest USA (which provides free vests to LEOs), China has been using the cartels to pursue its mission of destroying America and taking over the world.
And cartels are more dangerous than most people think.
“This is a very organized business. People seem to think that cartels are kind of people that don’t know how to speak or can’t add one plus one, they’re extremely business [minded],” Letts said on a recent podcast appearance.
Another misconception is how big of a reach the cartels have.
“We have cartels in every state of the union, I want people to hear that very clearly. Some people only think, ‘Only in New York, Chicago, or LA, so I’m fine I don’t live there.’ No, they are in every state of the union,” he said.
And China is behind it all.
“You’ve got willing parties that want to destroy this country, China being one of them. So China says, ‘OK, let’s produce the chemicals for Fentanyl and let’s get with the drug cartels and say look we’ll get you the chemicals, you mix it up, you make the fentanyl, you take it across the border and we both benefit,” Letts said.
China’s goal? Kill Americans.
“From China’s perspective, it accomplishes one major issue, we [China] kill off enough young people with Fentanyl, we don’t have to worry about an army opposing me should we decide to go in and overthrow that government later on down the road because you don’t have anybody left,” he said.
He continued, “Who’s going to step up to the plate to be the next world law enforcement, this could be the next job. So they [China] benefit. It’s a great program for them, great for the cartels, they’re making tons of money.”
This circles back to why it is absolutely critical to secure the borders. We know China has world ambitions, and the Biden administration facilitated that by keeping the border open.
But that was then and this is now.
Now we have an administration hell-bent on securing the border and thankfully so. But that was just the first step. Our goal is to be the strongest world power she needs to be for the sake of Americans and our freedom.
Michael Letts is the author of Truth, Lies and Control: Finding Hope in an Upside-Down World. Preorder your copy on Amazon today!
To learn more about Michael Letts, go to and to learn more about his nonprofit organization InVestUSA, which provides free vests to first responders, visit
Read the full history of InVestUSA with Michael Letts by clicking HERE.
Writer Eddie Molina is a veteran and has over 25 years of combined LEO/military service. He owns and operates the LEO apparel and accessory company
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