Five Michael Letts’ statements that were spot on and spoke absolute truth

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Michael Letts, an LEO advocate, political analyst, and CEO/Founder of the nonprofit organization InVest USA (which provides vests to LEOs), is no stranger to a microphone and a camera.

He has conducted 100s of interviews on all major platforms within the conservative space to defend the law enforcement profession and discusses everything going on politically in our great nation. Letts certainly has his finger on the pulse of American politics and culture – especially on how it impacts police officers walking the beat.

With his history as a politician and his staunch support of law enforcement, he has a lot to say. And he isn’t simply howling generic "I support the cops" statements. He articulates his comments in a manner that is anything but rudimentary. Rather, they are thought-provoking comments that lead the listener to conclude that “Letts knows his sh**.”

Below are five such comments Letts has made in the recent past that prove his intellect and level of understanding of hot-button issues.
  1.      Letts is a strong advocate for the 2nd amendment. But it’s more than just loving guns. He understands how critical the 2nd amendment is to the health of our nation.
“When you look at the Second Amendment, people will be shocked as to how poignant it is, it's very specific. The purpose behind the Second Amendment is for a well-armed militia; that doesn't mean a separate army, that means to allow the citizens to be able to ensure that a government that ever tries to turn its power, that has been granted, against the people and try to become a tyranny, you [Americans] have a duty – this is what the constitution says – you have a duty and an obligation to defend the people against such a takeover. That was the purpose behind the Second Amendment,” Letts said.
  1.      Like the 2nd amendment, Letts understands how important law and order is to maintain a stable society and without it, chaos would reign. This is part of the reason he supports the LEO community so strongly but his concern for law and order grew in recent years.
“There is no respect for law and authority, so of course if there's no respect for law and authority, and you have very few people that want to uphold it, and you get to the situation that we're at today. Suddenly you begin to have people stopping and realizing we cannot survive in this direction for much longer.” 
  1.      To maintain a safe and secure country, America needs to know who is here. But that became impossible after the Biden administration left the border completely open.
“We’ve let millions [of people] in and we have no idea who they are, they’ve never been vetted. We’re not trying to just go after people, but if you don’t know who they are, we may have people that we are unaware of, that are very much potential threats to our national security. So we owe it to the American people and to their safety and protection of national security that we make sure we know everyone that is here, what their background is, and if they qualify for any kind of political asylum or if they need to be put back. But I can tell you the criminals will be put back real quick,” Letts said.
  1.      Relief came this past election after the American people spoke and overwhelmingly voted for Donald Trump. But Letts understands this isn’t the end, this is just the beginning. And now is no time be become complacent. He worries some Republican politicians may begin to drag their feet on important issues.
“This is our [Republicans] best shot. From 2024 to 2026 we have control of all three branches but it doesn't take a whole lot to have people back things up. Here's where it's so frustrating. Even the RINOs lie to you. [They say], ‘Oh yeah I support you 100%. Of course, you know I’m going on vacation for the next two weeks and then I've got this and that, then I'll have to get to it at some point in time,’ and it never happens,” Letts said.
  1.      Nations of all sizes are looking to manipulate weather and America is among the leading nations that are exploring different ways to do it. But Letts fears that there may be more to it than just preventing catastrophes. Hurricane Helene led Letts to start asking questions.
“The government does have that capacity. We do have tracking that shows that they’re having military aircraft before the storm developed to its severity that it was in, in that area flying through. This is not observation aircraft, this is a different kind of aircraft,” Letts said. “So there's some concern about what are we generating. What kind of capacity do we have and if we have the capacity for destruction, do we not have the capacity to destroy these hurricanes and keep them from harming the mainland? And I think that’s a question a lot of Floridians have on their mind.”

These are just a small handful of thought-provoking statements Michael Letts has brought up. You can listen to many of his interviews right on his website HERE.

Michael Letts is the author of Truth, Lies and Control: Finding Hope in an Upside-Down World. Preorder your copy on Amazon today! 

To learn more about Michael Letts, go to and to learn more about his nonprofit organization InVestUSA, which provides free vests to first responders, visit

Read the full history of InVestUSA with Michael Letts by clicking HERE.


Writer Eddie Molina is a veteran and has over 25 years of combined LEO/military service. He owns and operates the LEO apparel and accessory company 
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Oh yea .... This guy is a real copulating whiz kid all right ..... PLEASE ........

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